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Cats of the Simpson Hotel

From one of the early litters produced by Crazy Mama Kitty, a gorgeous calico feral cat who eluded us for several years before finally being TNR'd.
Hobb's hobbies include lying around in the sun, and getting up onto the feeding table first.
Timmy was the "runt" of a third generation descending from Crazy Mama Kitty (see "Hobbs") and though he was the smallest, he was the bravest of that litter. He became a charter member of the Simpson's elite Tuxedo Club, headed by Frak.
One of the latest additions to the Simpson family, Max has become the #1 snuggler. He has recently discovered grasshoppers.
Available for adoption!

Desir&eacite;e, aka Kittler
Another of the newest Simpson generation, Desi is adventurous and unhesitatingly affectionate with humans.
Available for adoption!
Nikolai, aka "Kiik," came to the Simpson in the summer of 2018 as a small kitten. His hobbies include making friends with every cat and human he meets, and making sure that human guests in the hotel feel welcome and noticed.

Her name means "queen" in Arabic. Maliki is the only cat at the Simpson who does not acknowledge being a cat. She is always above it all.

Frak in his ninja persona.